On July 31, 1994, Elder Morton preached a message entitled "A Moment of Weakness, A Lifetime of Regret". Nearly ten years later, on January 7, 2004, after listening to this message again (on CD), I was inspired with the following poem.
What's done is done, we cannot change,
the decisions that we make.
Whether they be right or wrong,
our future is at stake.
And if it be that it is wrong,
to please our flesh the reason.
Then just remember the pleasures of sin,
is only for a season.
We've all done things that we regret,
at one time or another.
Ignoring the pleas and instructions from,
our Pastor, our Father, or our Mother.
The effects of sin last longer than,
the pleasures ever could.
If we could return in time to change it,
Then we obviously would.
Now when an opportunity arises,
the righteous way is your best bet.
For in your moment of weakness can be,
a lifetime of regret.
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