Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Am So Happy

Death and dying is not always something people like to talk about. Some find it morbid, some find it scary, and so forth. To someone who know's for sure that they're ready to "meet their Maker" it shouldn't be something to fear. Several years ago God inspired me with the following song. This is just one of many that I'd like to share. This is song is meant to be an encouraging song.

V1. Everything happened so suddenly,
so many plans were made.
Life is but a vapor,
that will very quickly fade.
I had no idea my time had come,
death was something that I kind of ignored.
The best decision I'd ever made,
was to always serve the Lord.

Ch. I am so happy, I chose to serve the Lord,
my happiness in life, 'til my final reward.
He helped me to make it, with His love and grace,
I am so happy, I served the Lord.

V2. And now I stand before Him,
beholding His glorious face.
As the Father sais, "Well done my child,
you've finally come to take your place."
And now I'll spend an eternity,
with the one that I had looked toward,
Because I made a decision that,
I'd always serve the Lord.

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