Monday, December 20, 2010

In Memory of Carlos Banuelos

I met Carlos Banuelos about 5 or so years ago when he started attending Truth Tabernacle with his Mom, Brenda Newman. Because there were three other Carloses, we had to give them nicknames. We used the first letter of their first name and the first three letters of their last name and badda bing badda bang. Carlos Banuelos became C-Ban. Then there was C-Ser (Serna), C-Rod (Rodriguez), and C-Pad (Padilla). But no C-Gar (Garcia?). Anyway, a couple of years ago C-Ban contracted Cancer and overcame it but it weakened his immune system. According to his Mom, Brenda, our immune system is about 1000, C-Ban's was 8. Recently he contracted Pneumonia and Valley Fever but his immune system being so weak could only fight it for so long. C-Ser, his Mom Yolanda Serna, and I went up to visit C-Ban last week but he was so heavily sedated, because of the tubes going down his throat, that we wasn't able to talk with him. I'm going to miss C-Ban. The picture was taken at Magic Mountain on the Goliath ride in 2007. David "Deece" Contreras (upper left), Carlos "C-Ser" Serna (upper right), Carlos "C-Ban" Banuelos (bottom left) and me (the one with more face than hair).


  1. Rest in peace Carlos, you will be missed - David Malagon

  2. I just recently looked for Carlos (former coworker of mine)on Facebook hed been on my mind he was such a great guy I was so shocked when I read a comment on a photo of his & discovered he had passed. It brought me to tears. I was too late. Almost 2years too late :( last I saw him he had just told me he beat cancer. He looked as handsome as ever even with no hair, eyebrows or lashes! I always liked Carlos but never told him gosh he was such a good guy! Rip Carlitos
