Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Keurig Flavor Update

Okay. It's been awhile since I've tried a new Keurig flavor so I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond since they have the best selection (and I had a 20% off coupon). Normally I go and choose something that they have but this time I went with a specific flavor in mind. Pumpkin. Lo and behold they had Pumpkin Spice so that's what I bought. For creamer (because I have to have creamer and sugar in my coffee) I bought Coffee-mate's Fat-free original so as not to dilute the flavor too much. I wish I could give a great review on this flavor, however, it was very faint and not as strong as I like. Perhaps I should try some Pumpkin flavored creamer to help boost the flavor.


  1. I've been on a pumpkin kick myself lately. Must be the fall weather. I want to make some pumpkin pies (no crust), pumpkin soothies, and also try pumpkin in my oatmeal. Gotta enjoy the flavor while it's in season! BTW, I like CoffeeMate's Pumpkin Spice Creamer, you culd try that in your coffee. Good luck.

  2. Hey Caroline, as a matter of fact at work today were celebrating two birthdays and instead of cake we're have pumkin cream cheese pie. Mmmmm
